Sunday, January 21, 2018

New book!

Fire breathing dragons, spoiled children of an immensely wealthy upper class, a psychopathic
killer with magical drugs and a feral girl child meet in a dystopian future.
We want our fictions to be plausible, to flow with a sense of reasonable cause and effect. We
want believe that these interesting characters could act as they did, and at the same time we
want to be surprised and amazed at the rich invention of the plot. The Sky is Yours is a fantasy,
a genre that excels in the invention part but often struggles with a plausible flow of action.
The scene is Empire Island is the city, loosely based on Manhattan. It has been ravaged by two
fire breathing dragons. Duncan is heir to the Ripple fortune, a massive accumulation of wealth
that permits the family to live on Empire Island essentially insulated from the grim realities of
poverty, lawlessness and dragon fire. Duncan is a narcissist, not smart and terribly spoiled.
Swanny Dahlberg is his betrothed, and likewise from great wealth; her lands are more or less
the Westchester or Connecticut suburbs. She has been raised to become a grande dame.
Swanny is fairly smart, but incredibly naive. Abby is a feral girl who lives on an island of garbage
near the city, who rescues Duncan when he crashed his flying machine. She can speak
telepathically with some of the genetically modified animals. Eisenhower Sharkey is the prime
mover in the prison city encapsulated within Empire Island. He creates and deals in a narcotic
that renders the past visible.

These and other grotesques meet and interact in a wide ranging plot filled with lust, passion,
sacrifice, love and death. It is a pretty glorious romp, marred by character development that
doesn’t appear congruent. It’s as fun, but a bit scattered.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Black veil.

Close college friends, a small boy, and a German teacher are locked into the old and crumbling Eastern State Penitentiary. The doors had been open when they’d arrived, and they debated about whether or not to explore it. When a cat came out, the young boy in the group, a brother of one of the college students, went in after it. The others entered, too, in order to find the child. After they had found him and were about to leave, they found that the doors were locked. As one student climbed a tree to go get help, they found that one of the students was missing.

Twenty years later, the body is finally found, and the friends reunite. Only Quentin has a lot to lose, if he shows up. His whole life can be destroyed if his secret is revealed!

I loved following Quentin throughout the twenty plus years of the book. That character was the most developed. However, I felt that the book, with its many main characters, was somewhat scattered. The mystery was fun, and a mystery lover will enjoy it.

I was given this book in exchange for an unbiased review.